I can't believe it's already time for Thanksgiving! It's one of my favorite times of the year because there's just so much good food - and that's heaven for a foodie like me!!!!
I was making some Orange Cranberry Sauce in preparation for tomorrow and thought it would be a nice and super easy recipe to share with you all!
1 Bag of Cranberries - the bag I got was 2lbs.
1 Cup of Water
1 Cup of Orange Juice
2 Cups of Brown Sugar (can be substituted with white sugar)
6-8 Peeled Mandarin Oranges or Clementines (can be substituted with canned oranges) (NOTE: If you just want some cranberry sauce, exclude the oranges and you're set!!!)
First, wash your cranberries!
Then, dump the cranberries, water, and 1 cup of Brown Sugar (I'm not putting in all of the sugar at once so I can taste it along the way, and if necessary add more) into a large sauce pot.
Then, add the cup of Orange Juice and continue to stir. Taste the sauce again and see if it needs more sugar.
When you're done peeling, turn the heat off and let the sauce set for about a minute or two. Then, add the oranges and fold the oranges in.
Voila! You're done! It's a really simple recipe that has a wonderful result to it! Hope you enjoy and I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Happy Eatings everyone!!!